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St. Charles, Missouri, United States
With all the technology we have in this world why is it so hard to find a cure for cancer?

Friday, October 5, 2012

Oh HOORAY!!  I'm back to not being able to sleep.  This really sucks because when I WANT to sleep is when I'm at work and supposed to be putting together some kind of financial report.  When I SHOULD be sleeping my brain is racing thinking about everything from, what am I going to do tomorrow at work or, I wonder why politicians have to be such a**bags!  Sometimes I wake up at 1 or 2 in the morning thinking I hear B stirring around in the bathroom or, in the kitchen making a pot of coffee.  Lately I even smell him, or at least the soap he always used (which hasn't been in the house for over a year now).  I catch myself talking to him more, thinking about him more, aching for him more.  Do you suppose these feelings ever go away? 

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